“Shamun-nabi” and “Jumarta Summit” - places where wishes come true
The final and, perhaps, the main part of "Mizdakhan" according to scientists, is the mausoleum of "Shamun-nabi." Who is this? It is said that he was a skilled magician and healer who helped people by various good deeds. According to legends, he could also communicate with animals, understood their language and even influenced the weather. True or not, the seven-dome mausoleum was built of burnt brick for St. Shamun. So, this person really brought a lot of goodness and was remembered as a bright pious righteous man.
Inside the long rectangular mausoleum is a sarcophagus. Currently, its length is more than 25 meters, and it continues to grow. Thanks to such amazing features, this mazar (tomb) became very popular among pilgrims. People come to him daily, read prayers for the repose of the soul, talk about their problems and ask for the fulfillment of their wishes. It is believed that the legendary magician still helps believers.
"The Jumarta Summit" - the hope of women.
A few meters from the mausoleum of Shamoun rises a hill called “Jumarta Summit”. Jumart was a simple butcher, but with a big and bright soul. In times of hunger, he distributed meat among the people, thereby helping more than one dozen families. An interesting belief is also connected with this mound, and it relates more to women. Dozens of women come to Mizdakhan every day to this very peak. They climb on it, and then roll down, making 7 coups. Why, you ask? It is believed that this method helps childless women to have their first child.
For many Muslim believers, this place is really important and special. One comes to cleanse the soul, others to comprehend their lives, some ask about the fulfillment of their wishes, another does extraordinary things to fight infertility. But they all sincerely believe that the prayer place of “Mizdakhan” will definitely help. And this is true, faith works wonders. And if you also need healing and spiritual help, come to our ancient sacred hills.