The Summer Palace of the Emir, known as the "Sitorai-Mohi Hosa Palace", means "the palace comparable to the stars and the moon". Its construction began at the reign of Seid-Abdul-Ahad-Khan. The Emir was the ninth ruler of the Manghud dynasty. As the original construction of the XIX century, unfortunately, was not preserved, the new one was executed mainly in European style with traditional oriental decoration inside. Many skillful architects of that time, like Shirin Muradov, Karim Samadov, Rakhim Hayotov and others, demonstrated all their architectural talent during the erection of the palace. One-storey palace impresses with its interior design and decoration. "Chayhana" located inside its chambers and also multi-colored windows and a banquet hall with sliding walls, where the emir received guests, deserve special attention.
Today, there is a Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts in the emir’s summer palace, the general composition of which is divided into the following parts: clothes of a local citizen (collections of everyday and special occasion clothing), artistic embroidery (national suzani, carpets and fabrics), and the interior of the summer palace (represented by palace furniture and porcelain tableware). The museum is opened to all who appreciate art, where you can plunge into the atmosphere of that time and see the palace interior design, domestic life of the emirs and how they relaxed between the crusades.