"Caravan" installation

Location - Tashkent

Installation "Caravan" was opened in Tashkent recently, on December 9, 2017, but has already grown fond of local residents and tourists. The installation represents a camel caravan journey along the Great Silk Road, which went through the territory of modern Uzbekistan. Camels with traders, walking along the sandy desert, transport porcelain dishes, silk fabrics and spices. On their long hot road there are only saxaul trees, and lots of lizards. Around them - only the waves of sand. That’s what the installation "Caravan" depicts. It was created by the sculptors Pavel Makarov and Sodik Namozov, who perfectly managed to recreate a picture of antiquity and convey the true atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

The length of the composition is not less than 700 meters and adorns the entrance to the Chilanzar district of the city of Tashkent, which is not far from the metro station "Olmazor". Sculptures have already become one of the favorite places for foreign tourists. Visits to the composition are included in many tourist routes in Tashkent, because near it you can perfectly relax in the break of a long day of sightseeing, and at the same time take pictures and capture a piece of antiquity in a modern metropolis.

According to the forecasts of the State Committee for Tourism of Uzbekistan, this installation will soon become an integral part of travel throughout Uzbekistan, becoming a remarkable photo-object and a must-see place for all residents and visitors of our solar capital.

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