Square of Memory

Location - Tashkent

Square of Memory: eternal fire of a mother's heart

The Square of Memory is located on the main town square called Mustakillik (Independence). The main object on the square is the monument of the grieving mother, erected here in 1999 in memory of more than 400 thousand Uzbek soldiers who gave their lives in World War II. Their names are forever sealed with gold letters in the so-called "Book of Memory". Earlier this place was called "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier", and in its center for many years the eternal fire burns, as a symbol of eternal memory and honors to the fallen soldiers. Every military holidays hundreds of people come here to lay flowers at the foot of the bent grieving woman - a symbol of all mothers who did not see their children come back from the war.

Square of Memory

Every mother always waits for her child, always thinks about him and worries. So the eternal fire became the embodiment of a living mother's heart, always burning and waiting for its child. Every year, on May 9, on the day of memory and honors, old people and children, adults and young people come to this sacred place. Presidents of different countries are also frequent guests. Presidents of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are laying flowers at the foot of the monument in memory of the immeasurable contribution of Uzbek soldiers to the overall national victory.

Everyone who cares about the past of the Uzbek people and the great feat of the brave Uzbek soldiers is paying homage here.

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