Independence Square

Location - Tashkent

The main square of Uzbekistan

 “Independence” Square or “Mustakillik” Square is the central square of the country, surrounded by green alleys. It got its name in the early 1990's, due to the collapse of the USSR and gaining the status of an independent state of Uzbekistan. The "Mustakillik" square occupies approximately 12 hectares and is located on the left bank of the river Ankhor.

At the end of the 19th century, after Central Asia was annexed to the Russian Empire, a new Tashkent city was gradually built on the opposite side of the river Ankhor. Thus, the river divided the Old City from New Tashkent.

Independence Square

"Turkestan is our common home"

First of all, the "White House" was built on the "Mustakillik" Square, where the governor general of Turkestan K.P. von Kaufmann lived. A large garden was built around the residence. The fruit garden, alleys, flower beds were skillfully planted, which gave a special solemnity and comfort to this place. There were also military exercises, parades of military units.

After the revolution, the White House was turned into a museum, and the square became known as the Red Square. Rallies, parades, folk festivals were held there. In the 30s of the 20th century, a new building of the Council of People's Commissars was erected on the site of the White House. Later, in front of the building, a monument of V.I. Lenin was erected on the eponymous square. The gray building, made in the style of constructivism in 1956, was given the eastern national appearance, after reconstruction

This building has survived until now. During the period of independence, the building was completely renovated. The square was fully reconstructed.

The modern "Mustakillik" square

On the square a marble monument resembling a tribune appeared, at the peak of which a Globe shimmers with the color of golden sand. Moreover, schematically it depicts the outline of Uzbekistan. At the foot is a happy mother with a child. She personifies Motherland and Mother Woman, who brings her sons to the Motherland with love.

The alley is crowned by a colonnade, connected by an overlap, in the middle of which there are storks. It is believed that they bring happiness and a new life to the family. Every day you can see the newlyweds here. It is also customary to pay tribute to the nearby Monument of the Grieving Mother, at the feet of which a niche is set with the Eternal flame. Nearby there is a memorial monument, executed with a full sense of respect and duty to those who defended their homeland during the Second World War. The monument is constructed of marble and carved wooden columns in the Uzbek national style. On the special plates, the names of those who died for the Motherland are engraved.

The square, of course, is decorated with luxurious fountains and green alleys, which makes this place touching and romantic. To the present time, Uzbeks honor the Central Square.

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