While visiting the capital, do not miss an opportunity to make a trip through the Tashkent underground. It's not the first year that the Tashkent subway has been of interest to the guests of this beautiful city. And not only as the first metro that was built throughout Central Asia, but also as a magnificent architectural monument, occupying a worthy place among the sights that make up the cultural appearance of the capital.
Three metro lines, twenty-nine stations around the city, some of which are a kind of a small museum, a monument reflecting one or another episode of the history and culture of the country. Others amaze with their grandeur and monumentality.
Underground city-museum retains its original appearance to this day. If you decide to see the Tashkent metro, then prepare to travel through time. You will be amazed at how high the skill of its builders was, and what was the art power of its creators, embodied in the presented patterns, images and plots. You will see the subjects of the immortal works of Alisher Navoi at the station, named after this great poet of the fifteenth century. And also you will see the main milestones in the development of astronautics at the metro station dedicated to the giants of technical progress of the twentieth century. Stunning columns of different shapes, bright light of the royal kind chandeliers, original marble patterns - all this creates a unique atmosphere that will not leave you indifferent and leave pleasant impressions from visiting the capital of Uzbekistan.
Undoubtedly, this is the place that, with all its peculiarity, will allow you to feel the connection of times and generations just before you stepped there. History and modernity are united again and again into a single entity. Remember that, if you first visited Tashkent, then there is a whole range of interesting places at your service, but surely take the opportunity to see the "underground city", because it is Tashkent, hidden from the eyes.