Tole-bi Mausoleum

Location - Tashkent

The structure of the mausoleum goes back to the first half of the 15th century, and it is located in Tashkent on Abdulla Kadiri Street. A well-known Kazakh leader (biy), a public figure and a poet named Tole-bi from the ancient Dulatian clan was buried in the mausoleum. He was the co-author of the code of laws "Zhety Zhargy" ("7 codes"), and also the judge of the Kazakh people.

Tole-bi Mausoleum

Tole-bi was born in 1663 in the Zhaysan mountainous area in the present Shu district of the Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan. During his lifetime, Tole-bi was known as a kind and wise man, which is confirmed by one of the legends associated with his name. According to the legend, when the local population began to move to other neighborhoods due to the Kalmyks (Dzungars) envasion, only Tole-bi remained in his house. Surprised people asked the wise man: "why do not you leave?", so he replied that he could not ruin the nest of the swallow, who recently settled on the shanyrak of his yurt. When the Dzungarian commander found it out, he did not touch the wise man, and after this incident, he was nicknamed as "Kaldygarch-biy", which means "Swallow".

The great Kazakh biy ruled Tashkent for 6 years (1743-1749) and during the reign called the people to farm, settle and adopt good manners from other nations. Also among his merits is the development of the relationship between the Senior Zhuz and Russia. Tole-bi died in 1756 at the age of 93 years. The mausoleum built in his honor has an unusual blue dome in the form of a pyramid or cone, which is not typical for traditional Uzbek architecture. At present, the mausoleum is visited by many tourists and local people. This place is especially important for the Kazakh people, as it directly affects their national history and past. Also, upon his arrivals in Tashkent, the president of Kazakhstan has visited this holy site more than once and laid flowers there, paying the tribute to the hero of his nation.

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